The requirements for this challenge are fairly simple. Follow the guidelines being as creative as possible using the recipe below. You can incorporate other items into your layout, but you must use at least 6of the items listed. Since this is the month of Valentine's Day, your special challenge is to incorporate CHOCOLATE into your layout. So, 6 items in the recipe and chocolate!
* 1 ribbon * 1 tree
* 1 button * 1 staple
* 2 papers * 1 set of stitching
* 1 frame * 1 tag
* 1 flower * 1 alpha
* 1 ribbon * 1 tree
* 1 button * 1 staple
* 2 papers * 1 set of stitching
* 1 frame * 1 tag
* 1 flower * 1 alpha
So here is my layout....can't wait til friday to eat it LOL

Font:Post-it Penscript
Alpha:Willy Nilly by Dianne Rigdon
Foliage:Green Romance by Fanette
Stiches & Background Paper: Love Song by Fanette
Mint, Scale & Green Paper: My Kitchen by Marta
Flower Clipped: Orchard by A+ Designs
Ribbon: CU by Sashinamama Designs
Chocolate drizzed cheesecake with a strawberry on top: MINE lol
Hey Amanda, it's Jessica (Gothic Inspirations)...just wanted to say I missed you and it's wonderful to see you back around. I couldn't find a comment spot on your main site nor this, so I posted here! Hugs, Jessica